Branding and website that perfectly capture the philosophy of Simply Essential Coaching

Branding + Copy + website

When Marybeth hired me, she was about to start her life coaching business on the side of her full-time job.

She had tried several times to create a website on her own and it wasn't something she felt comfortable doing. She knew she wanted to get this right so she could authentically present herself and her service offering to the world.

This is how I helped  Marybeth with a beautiful, deeply aligned brand and a website that  truly reflect what is unique about her and her approach, and  help her to attract her dream clients.

Marybeth's aim is to help women, and in particular mums whose life revolves around their kids, to go from surviving to thriving by cultivating self-love, putting focus back on themselves and identifying what is 'simply essential' to them.  In her coaching, she utilises proven life coaching techniques, essential oils and oracle cards for a holistic impact that involves body, mind and spirit.  I instantly saw that this unique, spiritual approach to life coaching was what set Marybeth apart, so I knew the branding and the messaging needed to shine a light on it to draw in the people  who would benefit most from her  coaching.


We discussed Marybeth's   vision, mission, ambitions and target audience, and as part of my in-depth process, she also filled out a very detailed questionnaire about herself and her business. This allowed me to gain an understanding of her wants and needs in terms of her business, her brand and her website  – as outlined in the section above – and start the creative ideation to bring everything to life.

Strategy Session

I started crafting a Brand Identity based on all the knowledge gained in our strategy session, and from the answers to the questionnaire.

For the logo design, a simple,  friendly and approachable typeface –  in line with Marybeth’s personality and the essence of her brand  – was the way to go. The rounded font  perfectly communicates all of these aspects.  In addtion, to instantly make her stand apart and to subtly communicate her unique approach, I added the droplet to her logo that not only clearly reflects essential oils, but also symbolises nourishment (taking care of yourself and putting your needs first, things that Marybeth coaches her clients on).

brand Identity design

For the colour palette, I integrated shades of purple that signal spirituality, complemented by a dark brown that is typically the colour of the essential oil bottles, and some earthy tones for groundedness (Simply Essential not not just about spirituality), as well as lighter tones to add an airy and light feel, and create a solid contrast between the different tones (one of the most important design principles). My goal was that the colour palette would nicely complement brand imagery.

Finally, I picked a selection of typefaces that would further support the desired aesthetic –  a simple and clean sans serif font for headlines, subheading and body copy, and a script font for accents for that personal touch. Because  the headline, the subheading and body are all the  same font, just in different weight and size, the look and feel is very cohesive, consistent and clean,  providing great legibility and good hierarchy. Although similar to the logo font, it is intentionally chosen to be less round so that the copy  wouldn't  compete with the logo and the logo would still be able to stand out.

From an imagery point of view, I defined the guidelines to include images of essential oils, oracle cards and crystals as well as images of relaxed, happy women to showcase the end-result  of what Marybeth's coaching clients would aspire to. I also gave Marybeth tips for her brand photos to make sure her images would complement her Brand Identity.


Step 1

Step 2

website COPY + design

Step 3

Before starting to design Marybeth's  website, I restructured and edited all the copy that she had submitted and added to it, to make her messaging really clear and compelling as well as emphasise her uniqueness. The aim was to make it clear to any potential clients why she is the one to work with.

Among other things, this was achieved by presenting her own story and challenges in a way that makes her relatable  to those who currently struggle with similar issues, all while strengthening the ‘like and trust’ factor.

I designed Marybeth’s website with her number 1 goal in mind to have visitors book a consultation call with her. In addition, I used her Brand Identity to create her business an elevated online home that would build credibility, trust and attract the right type of clients to her services.

Marybeth's primary strategic goal was achieved by thought-through user journeys, structuring the content in a manner that makes it easy for the visitor to understand why Marybeth is the ultimate solution, what makes her and her approach unique, how she can help, and guiding the visitor to take the next step to achieve her desired outcome.

The overall aim was that her Home, About, Work with Me and Blog pages would all take the website visitor on a journey from A (identifying their ‘problem’) to B (where they could be with Marybeth’s help).

By being in charge of both website copy and design, as well as branding, I was able to take a holistic approach where copy supports the design and vice versa, and all the elements together would create a beautiful but impactful website.



Work with me


In less than 4 weeks in total, Marybeth had a sparkly new Brand Identity reflecting the philosophy of her brand, as well as a stunning, high-converting website that is now an invaluable tool for her to make the impact she is here to make through attracting and booking more of her dream clients!

Here’s what Marybeth had to say about her experience of working together:

I appreciated the deep dive Liis asked me to take within so that she could bring all of me forward in the creation of my logo and website. I love how the branding is such a true representation of my philosophy. When people ask me about the logo it gives me an opportunity to then elaborate on my whole brand.

The content of the website is just what I wanted it to be. Enough so people could get an idea of what I had been through but not too much where my story took over my message. Whenever I go to my website I just smile. I love the colors, I love how proud I am of having created something like this. 

Working with Liis was seamless, she was so invested in getting to know me as a client that it did not surprise me that what she brought forward creatively was exactly what I was looking for. Liis's patience, kindness and intuitive ability encouraged me to embrace the powerful place I was stepping into. I loved working with Liis, I highly recommend working with her not just because she is great at what she does but because of what an amazing person she is. She is setting an example for all female entrepreneurs and I am grateful for our time together.

And this is what Marybeth loved most about working with me:

“what struck me the most about working together was LIIS' intuitive ability to know exactly what I would like. it was just so spot on."

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