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Complete with AI imagery (optional), elegant branding and captivating copy, all done-for-you! Or choose one of the budget-friendly done-with-you or DIY options.

Let's get you a head-turning website that does the selling for you

Hey service-provider!

8 Ways Media

It takes about 50 milliseconds for a person to form an opinion about a company’s website.

Did you know?

Am I right, my friend?

You are either at the early stages of your business, having a proof of concept and are now ready to go all in.... or you  have been in a business for a while and are now ready to take it all to a whole new level.

Either way – what you really want is to be consistently booked out with clients, and you want people who come to your website to sign-up for your services, knowing that exactly YOU are the person to help them!

The fact is that you have some amazing gifts, talents and passions that deserve to be shareD with the world. You are DESTINED to shine your light bright... and deserve massive success while doing so!

If the answer is 'no' or 'not sure', then you are likely leaving money on the table and minimising the impact you are here to make.

  • Does your current website instantly communicate to your potential clients that you are a credible, trustworthy and professional operator? (Not just someone with a little side-hustle trying to sell a thing a or 2 on the internet)

  • That handing over their hard-earned cash to you is the best decision they could have made?

  • Is your messaging crystal clear, communicating your USP, your offers and the value you can add - in the most magical way possible?

  • Is your website easy to navigate, free of clutter and takes the users on a clearly mapped-out journey, with purposeful calls-to-action guiding them along the way?

  • Does it do a good job in telling them that exactly YOU are the solution to their problems?

So let me ask you...

However,  the truth is that if your website misses one critical  piece then  people are likely hopping  on and off again  –  without purchasing from you.

That one critical piece is STRATEGY.

Because let me tell you, 'pretty' does simply not cut it.

Of course your online presence needs to look and feel enchanting and authentically reflect the MAGIC you are bringing to the table. But your branding and website have to in addition be built on strategy in order to turn those browsers in to buyers!

If you want to attract high-quality, high-paying clients, your branding, website and messaging are your primary tools to position you as a premium service-provider.

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...feel proud when sharing your branding and website with the world because they are an authentic representation of who you are and the MAGIC you  have to offer? DONE!

...have your dream clients sign up to work with you?  CHECK!

...get booked out on a consistent basis? I GOT YOU!

I'm here to help you do exactly that!
DO YOU want to...

The good news is....

Designed to help create captivating, dream client attracting online homes for female service-providers wanting to grow their biz with less effort!

The Elevate & Illuminate Experience

By diving deep into what makes you and your brand UNIQUE,  my holistic approach and comprehensive process leverage brand strategy to identify authentic messaging, design eye-catching visuals and build a high-converting website that all together help you magnetise your dream clients and sell with more ease!

I do this by combining  beautiful branding, compelling copy and strategic website design. Depending on your individual business needs, my signature ELEVATE & ILLUMINATE EXPERIENCE can be scaled up or down.

At the bare minimum, this package includes  Brand Identity design, a 3-page website design (Home, About, Services) + copy, while a more comprehensive package could include anything from AI  photoshoot  and branded images, blog configuration and brand materials (lead magnet or workbook design, social media templates, business cards, online banners etc.) to a funnel, course or membership portal set-up, including email campaign design and set-up, to launch strategy and more.

This is for the business owner who is ready to have the most authentic and elevated online presence for maximum results.


Brand strategy + visual identity design + Website copy + custom website design & build + any OPTIONAL extras

Every project is individually priced based on the scope of work and included deliverables. After our Discovery Call, I will present you with a proposal with 3 tiers, so that you can choose the package that best fits your needs and your budget. Minimum investment typically starts at USD 5,555 for brand strategy, brand identity design, website copy and the design of a 3-page website.

What does the investment look like?

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The reality is that when you are just starting out with your service based business, you are likely going to  pivot, adjust your offerings and target  market at least a couple of times in the first 6-12 months.

Hence, it might make more sense to wait until you've started to get some traction with your business and gained some more clarity on the direction you want to go, before investing in a full-blown branding process and a custom-designed website.

My WEBSITE IN A WEEK  offering is  a stripped down version of THE ELEVATE & ILLUMINATE EXPERIENCE. Including the absolute bare minimum required to provide your business with a professional online home, it is designed to help you get up and running quickly,  at an affordable rate.

It's also perfect for those who only want a detailed 1-page, high-converting sales page.

What you will be getting:

A template-based website of up to 3 pages (Home, Services, About)  or a 1-page sales page.

Basic colour and font selection

Only essential copy edits (to ensure good flow of the content)

Not included (but can be purchased as add-ons):

Brand strategy

AI Photoshoot/imagery

Custom logo design

Help with messaging and in-depth copy editing to ensure all written content is presented in the most compelling and convincing way

Blog configuration and lead magnet set-up 



New to business? on a budget? just need a sales page? this might be for you!



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affordable, strategic brand + design consultancy intensive that supports you in creating an authentic brand + high-converting website on your own

If hiring someone to do your branding + website is currently out of reach, or you  simply want guidance on how to improve what you already have, then I have a budget-friendly option to  support you in designing or improving your own branding and website.

Over the course of 4 weeks, we will have  weekly 60-minute sessions, every week covering one aspect of  your website creation. I will provide you with guidance, my best tips and advice that I use every day to design my clients' websites. It's then up to you to execute and implement. I will also answer any and all questions you might have and review anything  that you create during our time together.

Week 1 - Brand strategy
Week 2 - Brand identity design
Week 3 - Website copy
Week 4 - Website strategy & design

I can guarantee that you will have a more impactful brand and website at the end of  the month long intensive than what you would  be able to achieve on your own. Pinky promise! 


Not crazy about your current brand/and or website? Wonder what you need to do  in order for  it to help you  get more clients and make more sales? My BRAND + WEBSITE AUDIT is  designed to  identify areas of improvement and provide you with tanglible, practical advice that you can go and implement on your own. It's  also handy if you have a lot of branding + website realted questions that keep you stuck from moving forward with creating your website.

Learn more


one-off session to provide you with practical advice on how to improve your website

Investment: USD 297

From Clicks to Clients: Crafting an Irresistible Website that Sells

If you are in a process of creating a new  website but are overwhelmed and don't even know where to begin or what to focus on, then my masterclass is  the perfect place to start! 

Or perhaps you currently have a website that is not doing  much for your business and you want it  to help you attract dream clients and  sell more – in that case  the masterclass is  for you too!


a value-packed masterclass!




It is my ability to  deeply see you, to accurately  capture the essence and vibe of your brand and your business... and to intuitively translate that into visuals  that feel authentic and aligned. At least that's what my clients are saying ;)

And pssst! Want to know my secret superpower?

𝗞𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝘆 𝗥. – “From the very beginning, Liis showcased an impressive understanding of my personal brand and effortlessly translated it into a visually captivating website. Her ability to translate my thoughts and preferences into a stunning website was remarkable."

𝗦𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗵 𝗦. – “Liis is a true expert with a beautiful soul, she just "got me" and instinctively knew the look and feel I wanted to achieve. She anticipated what I was thinking before I had articulated it. She intuitively understood the exact messaging I was looking to convey to my ideal audience.”

𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘆𝗯𝗲𝘁𝗵 𝗛. – “What struck me the most about working together with Liis was her intuitive ability to know exactly what I would like. It was just so spot on. Whenever I go to my website I just smile. I love how the branding and the copy is such a true representation of my philosophy.”

I'm delighted that you are interested in working together! I only take on a limited number of new clients at the moment. Please submit the form below to be considered for a slot. This is a no-obligation expression of interest. If your application is approved, I'll reach out to schedule a complimentary consultation to determine if we are a good fit for one another.  In any case I will get back to you in 24 hours.

I look forward to receiving your application!


Client love

Working with Liis was seamless, she was so invested in getting to know me as a client that it did not surprise me that what she brought forward creatively was exactly what I was looking for. Liis's patience, kindness and intuitive ability encouraged me to embrace the powerful place I was stepping into. I loved working with Liis, I highly recommend working with her not just because she is great at what she does but because of what an amazing person she is. She is setting an example for all female entrepreneurs and I am grateful for our time together.

Marybeth Healy, Simply Essential Coaching

Liis GETS it. What goes into a brand, how to approach the project and which questions to ask, and the importance of nailing it so that everything feels smooth and cohesive. I like how her brain works, I like how enthusiastic she is about the projects she works on, and how she approaches them - it feels thoughtful, and like she’s coming at it from the right place by starting with the vibe and the brand, and building the visuals from there. Also, she makes really beautiful things. My brand is SO BEAUTIFUL!   Liis helped me build a brand, not just a logo. We are thrilled. Working with her was worth every penny!

Christa peck, lemmiku

It was an absolute pleasure to work with Liis from Sparkle Creative Studio. Every detail for the whole website building process is so well thought through. I had my old website transformed to a brand new functional, modern and aesthetically pleasing Showit website. Liis created functions and layouts I didn't even know about. She really focuses on things that really matter to you as a individual. Sparkle Creative Studio has created me a beautiful website that aligns with my purpose, quality services and matches perfectly with my branding.  I finally have a website of my dreams!

egle kerr, live love lash sydney

I would hire Liis for this project again and again! Her passion shines through. She is so patient when it comes to really explaining what things are and what to do. I felt she was on my team and had my best interest at heart. She took a large weight off my chest. I didn't want to learn about SEO, domains and all the other things that go into having a website. She took the pressure off and let me do what I do and teach yoga.

VALERIE Thompson, Valerie's Health and Wellness

Frequently asked questions

Here are answers to some of the most common questions in regards to working with me. If you have any questions that are not answered here, feel free to get in touch through the Contact section and I will get back to you.


To have the most impactful online presence possible from day 1, I recommend my 4-in-1  package, THE ELEVATE & ILLUMINATE EXPERIENCE. It includes brand strategy (unless you are  clear on the foundational elements of your brand, just designing a website will not do much for your business), brand identity design (custom logo, colour palette and  typography, all based on your brand strategy), messaging and website copy, and website strategy and design.

If your budget is more limited and the custom, all inclusive package is not an option at the moment, my WEBSITE IN A WEEK is a great way to get you up and running quickly. You will get a template based website that will still be beautiful and powerful (and better than any DIY website out there ;), but without a custom logo, brand strategy or in-depth copy support. You can invest in these when you already have a proof of concept and have started making money, 6-12 months down the line (or you can purchase any of these as add-ons to your WEBSITE IN A WEEK package.

I've been in business for a while but want a new/better website, WHICH PACKAGE is right for me?

There are a  few options. If you'd like me to take care of everything  and have a 360 done-for-you experience –  strategy, branding, copy and  website design all included,  THE ELEVATE &  ILLUMINATE EXPERIENCE is  how you will get the best results. This means I will create you a new website from scratch in Showit (I typically don't 'fix' existing websites), which is a very easy-to-manage, drag-and drop website builder, and you will need to sign up for Showit (ca USD 30 a month) to be able to host  and manage your new website.

A more budget-friendly option would be  DESIGNED TO SELL, my brand + design consultancy intensive. With this option, I will provide all the expert advice and guidance, but you will need to do all the work on your website yourself.

If you are not sure which of the 2 to go for, the BRAND + WEBSITE AUDIT is a good, low-cost option to start with, as I will share with you what is working and not working on your current website and give you pointers on what to improve. Based on those insights, you can decide whether you want to go down DIY route or the done-for you option.

I just want to improve/fix my current website, can you help me?

Mostly likely  –  no. I typically  don't 'fix' existing websites. The reason for that is that I am Showit website designer and have only expertise in Showit (a drag-and-drop website builder). So if your website is built  in SquareSpace, Wordpress, Wix or any other platform, I am not qualified to assist you.

The solution would be to create a whole new website from scratch in Showit, which is what I have done for many clients who have previously had  websites on other platforms.

Alternatively, the DESIGNED TO SELL package (see further up on the page for details) is a brand  + design consultancy  service, which means I will provide you with my expert advice  and insights on how to improve your current website, but you will be the one executing everything.


As a rule of thumb, I don't work with branding created by someone else - be it yourself or another designer. Why? First of all, it could be that what you have is not of high enough quality or designed according to the standards I apply to my work. It could be that the branding has no real strategy behind and hence does not add the kind of value to the project that is required. And even if it does, because I have not been involved in the creative process, I won't be able to provide you with a holistic solution that is equally as impactful as when I am the one designing the branding as well.

Occasionally, I might make exceptions to this, something that I decide on a case-by-cases basis, having first reviewed the branding you have. Feel free to email me your Brand Style Guide and I'm happy to provide my feedback.

In regards to copy,  your own copy/copy written by someone else is fine for WEBSITE IN A WEEK package. If you would like a custom website and everything else included in THE ELEVATE & ILLUMINATE EXPERIENCE, but have already hired a copywriter to write all of your website copy, I would need to assess it first to determine if it is solid enough for me to be able to design you an amazing site with it. Sadly not all copywriters are well versed in web design best practices. Copy and design complement each other, and as a result, the overall quality of the website is determined by the quality of those individual parts.

How long will it take to have my new website ready?

Depending on the scope of the project, if you go for THE ELEVATE & ILLUMINATE EXPERIENCE, typically for a 4-5 page website, the whole branding + copy + web design process takes around 4 weeks (branding - 1 week, copy - 1 week, website design - 1 week, website build - 1 week). The domain connection can take up to 48 h and happens after the website design has been completed, all outstanding invoices have been paid and the website has been transferred over to you. 

With WEBSITE IN  A WEEK, you will get your  new website – as the name says  –  in a week.

The total timeline also depends on the availability in my calendar and how quickly you are able to get everything ready for the website - images, copy etc. I recommend 2-4 weeks for this if you don't already have these prepared.

Which platform do you use to design websites?

I use Showit. It's a drag-and-drop website builder (similar to SquareSpace and Wix), that does not require any coding skills. Which means you are easily able to maintain and make changes to your website yourself.

Showit allows to design absolutely beautiful, fully custom, mobile optimised websites. However, their blog function is built on Wordpress, which means if you have a blog on your site, you will get the SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) power of Wordpress – without the coding bit. It's a total win-win for you as the end user. 

Showit subscription costs  ca USD 30 a month, depending on the plan.

I barely have any decent photos of myself. Do you recommend having professional photos taken?

One thousand percent, YES! In fact,  professionally taken photos are a must! It is impossible to create a high quality website with low quality, mobile phone images. The photos truly make or break a website. A professional brand photo shoot is an investment in your business and your brand. It will help to build credibility and trust, plus the photos are an excellent tool in helping to convey the look and feel of your brand and thus support your brand messaging. If you are planning to have professional photos taken, let me know on the Discovery Call and I can share my best tips so you can get the most out of your shoot.

Alternatively, and AI Brand Photoshoot can be  the solution! No limitations in terms of locations, number of outfits, you don't need to  to  put makeup on, do your hair or sit in awkward poses. In fact, you don't even need to leave your house! Whether you want something realistic, like a real-life photo shoot, or something fantasy-like, I will be able to help! It really depends what makes most sense for your brand.   We can discuss it all on the Discovery Call. You can learn more about my AI Photoshoot services here

Will you be writing all the website copy for me?

The way I assist you with your website copy is that I first help you to gain clarity on your core messaging in the brand strategy session. And then in the copy phase, I will edit and structure the copy you will provide me with, but you will still need to write up the service descriptions, your background, answers to any FAQs, breakdown of your process etc. First of all, because you are the expert in all of this, but second, we also want the website to sound like YOU (not me!) so it is essential to keep your wording and tone of voice as much as possible (which I am mindful in the editing phase). I make sure that the copy you provide, flows nicely on the page, is structured in the most impactful and compelling way, and prompts the website visitor to take the  action we want them to take.  

Are there any additional costs to be aware of?

There are plenty of good free fonts we can use for your branding, but if we decide that there is a specific paid font we want to use for your branding, the cost of that font comes in addition to my project fee. Normally the licence fees are around USD 25-50 per font.

While my packages include complimentary stock images if required, sometimes the free sources I use lack the type of illustrative images needed for a particular project. If it comes to that and we need to purchase additional images, this will also be an add-on cost. 

Showit does not offer domain hosting, which means you will need to have your domain hosted by another service provider (in case you don't already own one), like Google Domains, GoDaddy etc. The cost of hosting is something you will have to pay for yourself, but I will gladly guide you with this if needed.

You will have to subscribe to Showit to be able to use a website designed on the Showit platform. Depending on the plan,  the average monthly fee is ca USD 30. All my clients receive their first month for free with my referral code.

What are the payment terms? Do you offer payment plans? Do you accept payments in other currencies?

To reserve a spot in my calendar and get your project started, a 100% upfront payment is required by a bank/wire transfer. For projects with the total fee of more than USD 5,000, it is possible to pay a deposit and divide the remaining fee into monthly instalments. However, please note that the total fee has to be paid off in full before your website is transferred over to your Showit account (and thus, can be shown to the world). Happy to discuss the details of an individual payment plan on the Discovery Call. I also accept payments in AUD, GBP, EUR and CAD.

why does design cost so much?

Hiring a designer for professional design support should be viewed as an INVESTMENT rather than an expense.  Design is – if leveraged correctly – a powerful business tool.

A strategically designed website in combination with branding and copy that magnetise your ideal clients allow you to sell your services – on repeat – without you having to be present. It allows you to have a broader reach and stronger impact than you would by only selling your services face-to-face or through social media channels. So think about how much more money you are able to make when you have a high-converting website? You are likely to earn your investment back many times over.

And have you ever thought about what would happen to your business if any of your social media accounts got hacked or shut down? Your website is a channel you own and can always leverage, no matter what. It also helps you to build your personal brand, establish credibility and authority, and position yourself in a way that attracts high-value clients.  

When working with clients, I only work with one done-for-you client at a time. This means you receive a premium service because I will be able to give your project the undivided attention it deserves, and be highly responsive throughout our time together. It also brings my best creativity forward and  allows me to  work in the most efficient way, which is why I am able to offer such short turnaround times.

Finally, I have invested countless hours and tens of thousands of dollars in my own education to be able to provide my clients with solutions that not only look good, but also solve their business problems. As a result, I'm fantastic at what I do, but creating effective branding and websites requires a lot of skill, time and effort, which is reflected in the price tag.

Check out the portfolio page for case studies and more examples of my design work.

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