Luxury branding and elevated website to help attract premium clients for the high-end Skin Health Central

Branding + Copy + website

When Elissa reached out to me, she was about to open a high-end skin clinic just outside of Sydney, Australia.

Instead of trying to DIY her branding and website, she decided to have it done properly so  she would only need to do it once, rather than spending a lot of time trying to learn to do it herself (and get very frustrated in the process).   She knew that hiring a professional designer would set her clinic up for success from day one.  

This is how I helped  Elissa to create a timeless, high-end brand and website that  position her clinic as a premium service provider and  help her attract high-paying clients.

Elissa wanted to create a luxury brand that would reflect the high quality of the services she offers, the dedication and care she puts into  helping and supporting every client that steps into the clinic, the spa-like, relaxing in-clinic experience, and the price-point of her services.   After meeting Elissa and noticing her warm personality, her commitment to  her clients, and her  passion for skincare shine through,  I knew that I wanted to incorporate all of this into her branding and her website copy & design.


We discussed Elissa's   vision, mission, ambitions and target audience, and as part of my in-depth process, she also filled out a very detailed questionnaire about herself and her business. I conducted competitor research by evaluating the online presence of other skin clinics in the area where she was about to open her clinic, making sure that hers was going to stand apart and above all of her competitors. Equipped with all of these insights, I started the creative ideation to bring everything to life.

Strategy Session

I started crafting a Brand Identity based on all the knowledge gained from our strategy session,  competitor research and  from the in-depth questionnaire.

For the logo design,  I picked a unique and elegant typeface for 'skin health', intended to communicate luxury and sophistication, and combined it with a simpler typeface for 'central'. The end result is a logo that is eye-catching, clean and well-balanced. The way  'skin health' is emphasised with a larger  font size and capitalised letters is also intentional. It is these 2 words that carry the meaning and importance in the business name, while  'central'  is just a 'support act' and does not require the same level of visibility,

I also added a logomark (the icon in the logo) which symbolises a flower bud, ready to be awakened and come to life. Exactly what Elissa does through her services – making her clients feel anew, rejuvenated and confident after her skin treatments.

brand Identity design

For the colour palette, I chose  a range of earthy tones. These warm hues and shades  reflect how Elissa treats her clients – with warmth, compassion and a lot of support on their skin journey. But these colours also  represent a range of skin tones, allowing the colour palette to complement brand images  which would naturally have a lot of bare skin in them.  I added the dark burnt orange for more contrast,  so that the palette wouldn't became too bland and unnoticeable with just the lighter tones. Black is also used (sparingly) to create more contrast.

Finally, I picked a selection of 2 typefaces that would further emphasise the desired high-end feel of the brand, yet still keep it  fresh and modern – an elegant serif font for headlines and larger subheadings, and a clean and simple sans serif  font for smaller subheadings and body copy for a luxurious but contemporary look.

From an imagery point of view, I created guidelines that emphasise the spa-like vibe and relaxation in her clinic, images of women receiving skin treatments in luxurious settings, as well as images of  skincare products for more variety in  the photos.  The keywords for  the brand imagery  were relaxation, care, enjoyment and premium experiences.


Step 1

Step 2

website COPY + design

Step 3

Before starting to design Elissa's  website, I restructured and edited all the copy that she had submitted and I added a lot to it, too. Elissa was massively underselling herself  so I wanted to make sure the copy would shine light on her zone of genius and her talent & passion she brings to the world. As a result, the copy became  clear and compelling,  leaving no doubt in the mind of her ideal customers that she  – with all of her amazingness  –  is one best suited to treat their skin.

I designed Elissa's website with her number 1 goal in mind to have visitors book an appointment with her. In addition, I used her Brand Identity to create her business an elegant online home that will build credibility, trust and attract high-value clients to her high-end clinic. I added a couple of banner videos to her site to really elevate the website experience, add  an additional touch of sophistication and emphasise the relaxation and wellness aspect of her services.

Elissa's primary strategic goal was achieved by thought-through user journeys, structuring the content in a manner that makes it easy for the visitor to understand why Skin Health Central is the ultimate solution to any skin concerns, what makes Elissa and her approach unique, what treatments she offers, and guiding the visitor to take the next step to achieve his/her desired outcome.

The overall aim was that her Home, About and Services pages would all take the website visitor on a journey from A (identifying their ‘problem’) to B (where they could be with Elissa's help), and pre-emptively answer any questions they might have come up in  the process.

By being in charge of both website copy and design (and branding!), I was able to take a holistic approach where copy supports the design and vice versa, and all the elements together would create a high-end, high-converting website for Elissa and Skin Health Central.





In less than 4 weeks in total, Elissa received an elegant Brand Identity reflecting her luxury brand, as well as a stunning, high-converting website that is now an invaluable tool for her to make the impact she is here to make through attracting her dream clients and providing exclusive skin treatments for them.

Here’s what Elissa had to say about her experience of working together:

I was recommended Liis' services by someone in my industry. When we had our discovery call, I felt like we really clicked and vibed well!

I found Liis really easy to communicate with and she provided a lot of guidance throughout the process. All the instructions were straight-forward and I liked that there was a clear structure for what I needed to do.

I love my branding! And I love that she used the questionare to add a lot more detail into the website copy, I feel like I would never have been able to write that way about myself! I love the website colours and the layout, and how professional it looks. 

I’m so happy with the choice I made to work with Liis in creating a website! She has made the whole process super easy and straightforward for me. I absolutely love the website copy and branding she created and would recommend her to anyone!

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