Grounded, earthy rebrand and a vibrant fresh website for Triple Moon Coaching

Branding + website design

A year after designing her brand and website, Susan at Triple Moon Coaching got back in touch for a rebrand.

When we first worked together, Susan was just starting out with her coaching business and was going all in supporting mid-life women in finding their passion and purpose.

Since the completion of the website, her business had grown, evolved and changed direction. And she had modified her website so many times that it no longer resembled what we initially created for her.

So I got to work on the rebrand and a completely new website for Susan that would support her in the new direction her business was headed.

Susan’s business is all about helping GenX women (re)discover themselves and live life fully. As an artist and a creative herself, Susan’s methodology focuses on creative expression as a means to help women find their way back to their authentic selves. It was also important to Susan that the brand would not come across ‘heavvy’ and solely focus on healing but would inspire women to personal growth and living a vibrant, fulfilled life.


After having discussed all of the above with Susan, I gained a solid understanding of the direction Susan was heading with her coaching business and the type of clients that she wanted to attract.

We agreed on the creative direction for the brand which I brought it to life in a mood board so that Susan could visually see the vision I had for the Triple Moon Coaching brand.

We landed on an earthy, grounded and vibrant visual expression, encompassing all the elements that were crucial to visually communicate get the brand message.

Brand Strategy

Focusing on the terracotta and deep forest green as the main brand colours, I complemented the bright, earthy colours with a range of lighter, natural hues to create a nice balance and bring together a palette of 6 colours that would allow for plenty of variety in the designs.

We kept the original logo which I had designed a year ago, only updating it with new brand colours. The 3 dots signalling ‘triple moon’ and the lowercase presentation of the brand name for a friendly and approachable vibe still fitted the brand perfectly.

brand Identity design

For the typography selection I paired a simple, modern and clean sans serif font for the body copy and smaller subheadings with a bolder headline font to add that vibrancy to the brand. Elegant yet friendly, this bold fits the brand essence perfectly.

The goal with the imagery was to emphasise all the aforementioned aspects of the brand – relaxation as a means to connect back to self, and plants that not only communicate that down-to-earth (literally) vibe but also growth and evolution, which is exactly what Triple Moon Coaching is all about.

Because Susan’s coaching methodology centres around creative expression, I wanted to bring it into her branding as well, as it is a key element that sets Susan apart from most other life coaches. I did this by introducing abstract hand-drawn elements and plant sketches to her branding, which bring in an element of Susan’s artist self and speak to the people who are drawn to art and creativity.


Step 1

Step 2

website design

Step 3

When I worked with Susan for the first time, she only offered 1:1 coaching. Now, her offering had expanded and included self-paced courses and in-person workshops and retreats as well. She also added a blog to her site.

So with much more content to manage this time around, I designed the website in a way that makes it easy for the visitor to navigate and find what she is looking for.

I made sure that the website was designed with a lot of breathing space around the different elements as all the images, graphics and colours could have easily turned into a colourful mess and overwhelmed the user if they had not been organised properly.

Another key element of the website design was to establish Susan’s authority as a subject matter expert and build trust so that completely new people landing on her website would instantly see the value in working with Susan.

Another important goal was to make it easy for website visitors to take the next step, so I made sure to strategically design and place the Call to Actions throughout the website.



Work with me


I’m so honoured that Susan trusted me with her branding and website for the SECOND TIME in a little more than a year. In ca 4 weeks, Susan’s branding and website got a fresh, new, contemporary look & feel as a result of a total overhaul. Both now accurately reflect the essence of the Triple Moon Coaching brand and help Susan bring her mission to life. I’m excited to see her coaching business flourish and grow!

Here’s what Susan had to say about her experience of working together:

"As before, it was a pleasure to work with Liis! I love that she works on one major project at a time. It makes me feel important as a client - or maybe just emphasizes that. Her communications are super clear and the Dubsado platform supports her process really well. 

Liis is THE best. I've worked with Sparkle Creative Studio twice now and my expectations (already high) were blown away each time. Liis is uncanny in her ability to translate her clients' core essence into graphic form. I knew exactly how I wanted people to feel and what I wanted to convey when when people visit my site but I didn't know what that looked like. My reaction to seeing the final product was a full body YES! I'm confident that my site will help me connect and engage with women who are in alignment with my coaching philosophy, approach, and services." 

And this is how Susan feels about her new website:

“I love everything about it! The palette, fonts, and vibe are spot on. I had a friend say that the site felt so fresh and hopeful, which were literally words I'd submitted and wanted to convey. I'd say Liis accomplished that!" 

Would like me to help you with your website as well?

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